
The ideal bench: The best things in life

In the book "The ideal bench" you will find musings about the best things in life (and some of the worst). Art, careless youth, freedom, palace gardens, joy, laughter, friendship, all evolves around this bench. If you take a look at the preview, you will read the titles of all the chapters and a few of the first texts. 

Please go here 

The ideal bench: what a reader wrote about it

A reader contacted me directly at three stages with impressions about The ideal bench

"I started reading the book yesterday. I didn't get very far on purpose because every sentence was a lovely picture or thought. So beautifully written!

Τhe book makes me peaceful. I haven't finished it yet as I like to read one or two chapters every day. 

Now that I have finished it, I always keep it on the nightstand and I open it at a random page and read a few chapters before going to sleep". 

Thank you dear reader for your kind words.